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Behind the Scent: Seaside - Winx Candle

Behind the Scent: Seaside

Behind the Scent: Seaside - Winx Candle

Behind the Scent: Seaside

  An aromatic blend of eucalyptus, sea salt, rose and amber transports you to your own private beach. SEASIDE Scent Notes Breakdown: Top Ozone, Sea Salt, Lemon, Lemon peel Middle Orange Blossom, G...

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The Artisan Process - Winx Candle

The Artisan Process

Full Transparency - here’s a deeper dive into everything that goes into our candles.

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Candle Care Guide - Winx Candle

Candle Care Guide

Here is your one-stop shop to get all the information you need to maximize the life of your candle and enjoy it safely in your home. 

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